Catherine Madison

Name: Catherine Madison
Category: Human, Witch
Age: Mid 40s
Size: Average Human
Origin: Sunnydale
Habitat: Sunnydale
General Description: During her high-school years she was nicknamed Catherine the Great for her outstanding cheerleading skills. She became the Homecoming Queen, and immediately after graduation married the Homecoming King. Soon after she gave birth to Amy Madison. But the All-American family story tragically ended when her husband left her when their daughter was just twelve years of age. Around that time, Catherine discovered her interest in magic and witchcraft, and in a few years became a powerful witch. She used her skills to switch bodies with her own daughter, attempting to relive her high-school glory days.
Friends, Associates, and Sidekicks: None
Sworn Enemies: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Special Powers: Knowledge of witchcraft. Psychokinetic skills.
Weapon(s) of choice: Ability to set people on fire, blind them, encase their spirits in statues, switch bodies with them, or seal their mouths shut. On special occasions, she is able to utilize the Bloodstone Vengeance Spell that intoxicates the victims and later destroys their immune system.
Weakness(es): Her spell-book contains powerful counter-spells that can reverse the effects of her spells.
Hobbies: Vomiting after meals, shaking pompoms, being treated as a sex object
Pet Peeves: Food
Best Line(s): How dare you raise your hand to your mother? I gave you birth. I gave up my life so you could drag that worthless carcass around and call it living?
Total Estimated Power Rating: 7
3 Intellect Points + 2 Base Physical Strength Points + 1 Supernatural Power Points + 1 Point for Body Swapping Ability
Power Rating Estimate Notes: If you cannot get a hold of her spell-book to reverse the spells, it is highly advisable to chop Catherine’s head off, for it may be the only way to rid of her. Some of her spells can be reflected using virtually any flat solid object and thus used against her.
Additional Character Images:

Movie(s) and or Book(s) featuring the character:
- Witch - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series - Season 1) (1997)


  1. How dare you raise your hand to your mother? I gave you birth. I gave up my life so you could drag that worthless carcass around and call it living?

    Brilliant lines! I think that Robin Riker, who played Catherine Madison, did a great job, and she delivered those lines awesomely as well. :)

  2. How dare you raise your hand to your mother? I gave you birth. I gave up my life so you could drag that worthless carcass around and call it living?

    Brilliant lines! I think that Robin Riker, who played Catherine Madison, did a great job, and she delivered those lines in an awesome way as well. :)
