Heroes and Monsters Beauty Contest!

Beginning January 2008 we are going to select monthly H&M Beauty Queen and H&M Beauty King of the month. I decided not to use the “Mister H&M” and “Miss H&M” titles due to the inherently sexist nature of the term “Miss.”

The rules of the competition are simple:

1) All identifiably male and female characters previously featured on this website are eligible to participate, with an exception of:

a) Animals and children This website does not endorse bestiality and pedophilia.

b) Previous contests winners
and Previous contests losers
NOTE: If your favorite character ended up as a previous contest loser and you would like to get a chance to vote for him/her in the future – e-mail me or request it in the comments on the character page and I will un-ban this character, when opportunity will present itself.

c) Characters added to the guide after the beginning of the current poll. These characters will be added to the future polls.

2) You select your favorites in both categories and the winners are crowned during a magnificent (although purely imaginary) ceremony at the end of each month.
Note: In case of a tie - I reserve the right to cast the deciding vote

3) Contest Losers. The losers are selected as follows.
- The number of participants in each month poll is limited to 10 (ten) per category.
- The winner advances forward and we automatically have one open slot in the next month contest.
- Additional slots may be created when new characters are introduced to the blog or when I receive requests to un-ban previous month losers. When this happens, the new and requested characters simply replace the characters that received zero votes in the previous month contest or the bottom 3, whichever is higher.
- If no new characters were introduced and I have received zero un-ban requests, then all 9 previous month losers will continue their competition in the new contest and I will choose one character to un-ban, in order to keep the number of contestants at 10.

4) The 10 monthly winners (Jan-Oct) compete for the annual title at the end of the year, which takes place in November-December.

Choose wisely – the imaginary future of the imaginary characters is in your virtual hands.

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