Notes on Power Rating Estimates

Total Estimated Power Rating (TEPR) is a combination of multiple factors – Intellect, Physical Strength, Weapons, X-Powers, etc. Intellect and Physical Strength are measured on a 10 point scale.

1) Intellectual Points:
1 – Very Basic Intellect, on the level of “Hungry. Must. Eat. Food.”
2 – Some basic logic skills. “2+2=4”
3 – Advanced logic skills. Typical teenager
4 – Basic Intellect – High School Graduate
5 – Advanced Intellect – College Graduate
6 – Superb Intellect – Scientist
7 – Noble Prize Laureate – Super-Scientist
8 – Mastermind
9 - Einstein
10 - Super Computer (V’Ger, Nomad, etc.)

2) Base Physical Power Points:
1 – Enough Physical Strength to Bruise a Person
2 - Enough Physical Strength to Harm a Person
3 - Enough Physical Strength to Kill a Person
4 - Enough Physical Strength to Kill Several People
5 - Enough Physical Strength to Kill Dozens of People
6 - Enough Physical Strength to Kill Hundreds of People
7 - Enough Physical Strength to Kill Thousands of People
8 - Enough Physical Strength to Fight Armies
9 - Enough Physical Strength to Destroy Countries (Vatican City doesn’t not count)
10 - Enough Physical Strength to Destroy Planets

3) Additional Physical Power Points (*) – Assigned to characters capable of assuming a special physical state that provides them with additional physical strength (Examples: Werewolves, Shape-shifters, etc.)

4) Weapon Points (*) – Assigned based on special weapon associated with the character.

5) Supernatural Power Points (*) – Magical or Unexplained Phenomena Attack Points. Applicable exclusively to those characters whose powers are unexplainable by science and thus qualify as supernatural. Supernatural nature of the character (as in the case of ghosts, vampires and zombies) or a simple shape-shifting ability (as in the case of werewolves) does not qualify the character for Supernatural Power Points; unless the character utilizes other paranormal and unexplainable powers and does not solely rely on physical power.

6) Shock Point (1) – Terrifying characters and monsters might qualify for this one, if they are able of terrifying an average person with their mere physical appearance.

7) Mind Reading Point (1) – Assigned to characters capable of reading minds, but incapable of influencing them.

8) Basic Shape Shifting Point (1) – Assigned to characters that are capable of changing their shape in one way. Werewolves for example can turn into a wolf, but that is the limit of their shape-shifting ability. Body-swapping ability applies to this category as well.

9) Invisibility Point (1) – Assigned to characters that are capable of becoming invisible

10) Levitation Point (1) – Assigned to flying monsters or characters capable of levitation

11) Relative Invulnerability Point (1) – Assigned to characters who happen to be extremely durable or immortal, but who non-the-less can be either killed or incapacitated with relative ease. Some zombies, for example, are relatively immortal, but will die if shot in the head.

12) Ultimate Shape-Shifting Points (2) – Assigned to characters capable of shape-shifting into anything. A rare and dangerous power.

13) Mind Control Points (2) – Assigned to characters capable of not only reading minds, but also of controlling them.

14) Time and/or Space Continuum Control Points (3) – Assigned to characters capable of bending time and/or space.

15) Advanced Invulnerability Points (3) – Assigned to characters that are impossible to destroy without a nuke.

16) Ultimate Invulnerability Points (5) – Assigned to characters that are indestructible. Some indestructible characters may choose to commit suicide, but that doesn’t make them any less invulnerable or deadly.

17) Additional Points (?) – Points assigned for uncommon (or questionable) individual characteristics. The number of points assigned to characters entirely depends on my personal subjective opinion. I welcome your argument, but reserve the right to be the final decider.

* - The number of points assigned to characters depends on the Base Physical Power Points (BPPP). This can be viewed as a sort of an upgrade. Say Robotic Princess Diana’s BPPP is 6, since she is capable of killing hundreds of people with her bare hands. However, the laser cannon that she often employs, allows her to kill thousands of people – thus she gets an additional 1 Weapon Point for the laser cannon, bringing her total physical power to 7 points (6 BPPP + 1 Weapon Point.) Only three characteristics are viewed as an “upgrade” of physical power – Weapon Points, Additional Physical Power Points for shape-shifters, and Supernatural Power Points.

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