Vicki Vale

Name: Vicki Vale
Category: Human, Romantic Interest Character, American, Artist, Journalist
Age: Exact age unknown. Approximately Late 20s
Origin: Gotham City, USA
Habitat: Gotham City, USA
General Description: A talented photographer and photojournalist, Vicki Vale is the author of many acclaimed publications in Vogue and Cosmo. She also happens to be one of the numerous romantic interests of Batman.
Friends, Associates, and Sidekicks: Batman
Sworn Enemies: Joker
Special Powers: Ability to sweet-talk villains into trance-like state with just a few well thought out and sultrily delivered compliments.
Weapons of Choice: Vicki Vale really does not live up to Wonder Woman’s ideals of womanhood and primarily relies on Batman to rescue her from danger. Which makes him her favorite weapon. And quite effective one at that.
Weaknesses: Vicki cannot help falling madly in love with billionaires from the first sight. She simply cannot control herself in this matter.
Hobbies: Photography
Pet Peeves: Non-billionaire admirers
Best Lines:
1) I like... bats
2) Mr.Joker, you say such beautiful things. And you are so powerful... and purple. I love purple.
Total Estimated Power Rating: 7
4 Intellect Points + 2 Base Physical Strength Points + 1 Additional Point for being under Batman’s protection
Danger Level: Medium. Although Vicki Vale is not dangerous by herself, being a romantic interest of both Batman and Joker makes her one of the most dangerous women in Gotham City. Trying to get involved with this “death-bait” can lead to unsurprisingly gruesome consequences.
Identification: Vicki Vale looks almost identical to the famous actress Kim Basinger...
How to Recruit: Invite her for a dinner to your billion dollar mansion.
How to Stay on Her Good Side: I got the five magic letters for you - B, O, O, Z, E. Although not an alcoholic, Vicki Vale cannot resist a few bottles of Mouton Rothschild 1945. It makes her sociable. Very sociable, if you follow my drift.
What to Look Out For: No matter what she says keep in mind that she weights more than 108 lbs
Additional Character Images:

Movies and Books Featuring the Character:
- Batman (1989)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cool! :) She's a great character that we all can relate to. :) Plus, I like the whole "ability to sweet-talk villains into trance-like state with just a few well thought out and sultrily delivered compliments" thing as well. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cool! :) She’s a great character that we all can relate to. :) Plus, I like the whole “ability to sweet-talk villains into a trance-like state with just a few well thought out and sultrily delivered compliments” thing as well. :)
